Welcome Friends!
Maricella L.

My daughter Maricella was born 6 weeks early and was healthy baby. I
had her and went home the next day. When she was 6 days old she was cring really
bad and her eyes rolled back in her head. We lived in NV and got flown by jet to
UCSF when they found she had a blood cloth deep in the brain and hydroceplalus.
We were hospitalized for 21 day and then came home and she was a normal baby.
At the age of 3 she got a seizure that lasted for 3.5 hours. We stayed our
Christmas in the hospital as well as 3 other christmas in the hospital. With
that seizure she had to learn to walk again and that when all the seizures
started. When she was3 til 6 her seizures werent bad. Right now she is have 100+
seizures a day.
Due to her seizures she is 10 but at the age of a 4 year old. It is very hard to
see my daughter now to from the person she once was. Epilepsy has taken her
away. In 2009 she had a Vagial nerve implantation in chest to lessen the
seizures which did not work. Right now she will be having surgery on her brain
in a couple months and hopefully that will help her because she has been on
EVERY known seziure medicine with any benefit.

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The lists of patterns already being stitched are posted on the database.  LoveQuiltsUSA is an open group so you can sign up easily and view the patterns right away.  Please follow this link to sign into the Love Quilts Yahoo Group...


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Birth Date -   May 20, 2002

Main Diagnosis - dravet syndrome

THEME: Precious Moments