Welcome Friends!
Charlie F.

I have been cancer free for just over 2 years but on January 10, 2012 we got the call that there was a tumor on my latest CT scan.  The cancer  was back.  They also found 2 nodules in each of my lungs.  On January 19th the surgeon was able to remove my tumor but now I have to start an 18 month chemo regimen.  I will get a treatment that last anywhere from 2 days to 5 days every 21 days.  This is a shock to all of us but I am ready for my fight.  Below is how my story began 4 years ago.

On February 20th 2008 I was diagnosed with Desmoplastic Round Cell Tumors, a very rare and aggressive cancer. It usually only happens in little boys. The doctors found four tumors and two enlarged lymphnodes. My tumors are on my liver (2), lower left abdomen, and between my bladder and rectum. The enlarged lymphnodes are one on each kidney. This really surprised my mommy and daddy because I was just having tummy pains here and there for a few months. Since it is so aggressive I have already been through my 1st round of Chemo. My chemo is three days long. I go 4 - 6 hours a day. The first two days I get two different kinds of chemo and on my last day I get three. Everyone that knows me knows that I am a little spitfire and I don't let things get me down. Treatment for my cancer will be chemo, surgery, and maybe radiation. I have lots of people who love and support me so it makes it alot easier to go on my journey.

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Birth Date -   November 4, 2002

Main Diagnosis - desmoplastic small round cell tumors

Quilt Deadline: 10/15/2012

THEME: basketball and other sports - likes red

Click here to see the squares for Charlie as they come in him